Friday, September 24, 2010

Welcome Home Mr. Finn

Mr. Finn is a blue crowntail betta fish with a single ray extensions fin type. They say he is a fighter fish but when I saw him inside that small cup in the store, I thought of him more of the friendly side.

His dominating blue color with a shade of black around his upturned mouth, his sky blue pectoral fin that nicely flaps when he moves, a bright red pelvic fin, a light shade of pink on his scales and partly on his tail when widely spread are what attracted my attention the first time I saw him.

On his first day he went around the acquarium as if looking for some familiarity and kept on circling around the decorations. The first time I fed him with tropical flakes, he just stared at them, ignored them, then moved on, like he really enjoyed showing off his smooth aquatic abilites. It wasn't easy to take a picture of him too!

I placed a statue of a lady and few figurines behind the aquarium for fun with hopes to entertain Mr. Finn. Look, he couldn't help himself necking that lady!

I am still observing his every moves and praying that he would survive under his new owner (hey, that's me). I plan to make him a baseball fan -- a Yankee fan he is.

So stay tuned for more pictures and notes about Mr. Finn here in my bisdak blog.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Starting a New Day with a Fish in Mind

I wanted to keep a fish in the house but haven't found the time to really focus on getting one. Until today. I Googled some few information about a pet fish for beginners. Most of the websites I visited came with similar suggestions: Betta, White Clouds, or Guppies. Out of the three I settled for a tropical fish -- Betta, because the images shown were very colorful and attractive. I fell in love right away with Betta's unique vibrant colors, interesting fins and tails. I was more happy to learn it's low maintenance.

Today I came out with a mission: Getting a fish!

I headed for PetSmart to take a closer look at the Betta families and also to get more information from the store. I went around and couldn't find anyone on the floor to assist, so I asked the nearest cashier for their fish expert for help me. While waiting I browsed through the book section and picked Betta Handbook by Robert J. Goldstein, which I found very interesting. I held the book and went around the fish isles. A few minutes later one of the staffs showed me around and gave me enough pointers to start with owning my very first fish.

She suggested a one gallon tank should be enough for one male Betta but I already had my eye on the 2.5 MiniBow Destkop Kit Aquarium. Two guys also approached us asking for the same aquarium, but lucky me I got the last stock.

Along with the kit, I also bought a cleaning supply, thermometer, an orange AQ decorations, mini plant, and two packs of white gravel. I was happy with her suggestions for a starter and came home to set them up. The instructions were fairly easy and half an hour later (I was actually taking time reading and installing the required parts and re-arranging my decorations several times) I had my filter running for the night.

Tomorrow I'll come back to PetSmart and get that male betta fish I've been eyeing on. Tomorrow...

Bisdak Notes

Testing only.